



報告(2):Chadatan Osatis (Graduate School of Economics, Saitama University, 博士課程3年生)
“Industrial Organization and Value Creation Opportunities: Telecommunications Industry in Thailand”


タイは、米国務省が毎年発表する「人身売買に関する年次報告書」で2014年以降最低ランクにあたるTier 3に指定されている。欧米小売り大手企業による取引停止措置のほか、政府、NGO等からもCLM諸国出身者の強制労働や児童労働を行う国であるという批判を受けてきた。その一方で、2005年以降、教育省規定の下で住民登録や出生証明書のない子ども、無国籍の子どもに広く教育の門戸を開いてきたことは、殆ど知られていない。タイ教育省は、外国人の子どもに教育を提供する学校には、タイ人児童を受け入れる場合と同額の補助金を交付し、在留資格を与えるためにデータベースを作成してきた。現在では、CLM諸国出身の子どものうち約4~5割の子どもが教育を受けているという推計もある。

Chadatan Osatis, “Industrial Organization and Value Creation Opportunities: Telecommunications Industry in Thailand”

The Thai telecommunications industry presents a complex commercial environment that, nevertheless, has yielded the most competitive performance among the neighbouring countries in the ASEAN region. Though the contribution of Thailand’s telecom industry to the national GDP is not particularly large at the moment, the growth rate has been noticeably robust. The mobile segment, in particular, has exhibited the strongest growth, followed by the Internet and then by the broadband segment. The Thai telecommunications industry operates within the context of pyramid-shaped industrial organization and hierarchical governance structure. Each tier’s players perform specific tasks and create particular values according to their functional specialization. The industrial structure characterizes a dominant managerial control over the telecom roll-out projects.

The Thai telecommunications industry functions as a vertical integration system; wherein the degree of explicit coordination is high and also the degree of power asymmetry is high. The top position is dominated by a few powerful incumbents. Moving down the Thai telecom industry’s pyramidal organization, the number of industrial players has grown significantly. The economic value of tasks reflects the underlying competences and capabilities that are the fundamental source of competitiveness in the Thai telecom industry.

The vendor-tier positions are at the core of innovation in a global telecom technology. The regulator-tier sits atop the Thai telecom industry. The principle-tier players and the first-second-, and third-tier players carry out complementary functions in the Thai telecommunications industry. These various tiers of players must evolve roughly at the same pace (i.e., at a pace consistent with technological development) while the supplier-tier players carry out supplementary functions geared toward the supply of materials, including equipment.

This pyramid-shaped industrial organization and hierarchical governance structure can be seen as sources of substantial growth and competitiveness in the Thai telecommunications industry. And the strength of this assertion is rooted in the fact that each tier comprises players that perform specific tasks and create specific value according to each tier’s functional specialization. The industry’s coordination-rich organizational capability ensures the presence of two important components: first, that a system of checks and balances is in place along the chain of command, and second, that each particular transaction between the principle-tier and the first, second, and third-tiers players are efficient and accurate.